logotipo galeria llucìa homs

Ken Lum

Vancouver 1956

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Universidad Simon Fraser en 1980 y Master de Bellas Artes en 1985 de la University of British Columbia. Ha sido profesor visitante en L'École nationale superieure des Beaux-artis en París, en the Akademie der Bildende Kunst en Munich y la Academia de China de Arte en Hangzhou, China. Actualmente es Profesor en el Bard College en Nueva York. Expone internacionalmente desde 1978. Ha mostrado su trabajo en numerosos acontecimientos donde se incluye el Carnegie International in Pittsburgh (1991), Sydney Biennale (1992); the Johannesburg Biennale (19979; San Paulo Bienal (1998); Shanghai Biennale (2000); the Venice Biennale (1995, 2001); Documenta XI (2002) and the 10th Istanbul Biennial (2007). La mayor exhibición de su trabajo ha sido organizada en el Witte the With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam, en el Vancouver Art Gallery, en el Winnipeg Art Gallery y en una retrospectiva acerca de su trabajo: “ Ken Lum: Works with Photography” organizada e itinerada por los museos canadienses de fotografia. También ha realizado arte público para las ciudades de Vancouver, Viena (Austria), Strasbourg (Francia) , Siena( Italia) y también para la región de La Plaiv in Switzerland.

exposicions individuals (SELecció)
2008 Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna
Galerie Nelson Freeman, Paris
2007 Ken Lum: Rorschach – Shopkeeper Series, L.A. Gallery, Frankfurt
Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
Chosun Gallery, Seoul
Pi, permanent public art installation, Vienna
2006 Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna
2005 I don’t know..., Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna
Galleria BASE, Florence, Italy
Ken Lum: Shopkeeper series, Art & Public, Geneva, CH
2004 I don’t know..., Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna
L.A. Galerie, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Works With Photography, The Power Plant, Toronto
2003 Galerie Nelson, Paris
Art Gallery of Windsor, Ontario
Art Gallery of Calgary, Calgary
Galerie Art & Public, Geneva, CH
2002 Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna
Centre culturel canadien, Canada
Ken Lum – Selected Works, L. A. Galerie, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
2001 Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Centre for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, Japan
Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Austria
2000 There is no place like home, Museum in Progress, Vienna
L.A. Galerie Lothar Albrecht, Frankfurt, Germany
The Gate Foundation, Amsterdam
1999 Plug-In Gallery, Winnipeg, Canada
Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada
Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre, Banff, Canada
1998 XXIV Sao Paulo Bienal, Sao Paulo
The Agency Contemporary Art, London
Galerie Drantmann, Brussels, Belgium
1997 Camera Oscura, San Casciano dei Bagni, Italy
FRAC de Haute Normandie, Galerie Duchamp, Yvetot, France
Galerie Art & Public, Geneva, CH
Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
1996 Stills Gallery, Edinburgh
1995 Galerie Drantmann, Brussels Camden Arts Centre, London
San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco
Galerie Nelson, Paris
l'Aquarium-Galerie de l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Valenciennes, France
Salle d'Expositions, Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Nancy, France
1994 Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver
Oakville Galleries, Oakville
1993 Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne
Galerie lohnen & Schöttle, Cologne
Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich
Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, Germany
Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Germany
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria
1992 Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Galleria Massimo De Carlo, Milano, Italy
1991 Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Paris
Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne, Germany
UBC Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver
Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
Kunstmuseurn Luzern, Lucerne, CH
1990 Wirte de With Ceiiter tot Contemporary Art, Rotterdam
Galerie Meert Rihoux, Brussels, Belgium
Galleri Nordanstad Skarstedt, Stockholm, Sweden
Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg
Artspeak Gallery, Vancouver
exposicions col·lectives (selecció)
2007 10th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
The Shadow Cabinet, De Appel, Amsterdam
2006 Liverpool Biennial 2006, Liverpool
Sound and Vision, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Montreal,
Quebec Habiter: Evenement d’Art Public, Quebec City,Canada
HERE+NOW, Hans Haacke, Dinh Q. Le, Ken Lum, Kim Sooja, Elisabeth Leach Gallery, Portland
The Great Wall 2006, The Great Wall, Hamburg, Germany
An Image Bank for Everyday Revolutionary Life, Gallery at REDCAT, Los Angeles
2005 Intertidal, MUHKA Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp, Belgium Photographies, Galerie Nelson, Paris
CCA Kitakyushu Artist's Books, Galerie Christophe Daviet-Thery, Paris
Heal the World: a Tightly Curated Approximation of a Global Lifestyle, The Third Line Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Monuments for the USA, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco
Morir de Amor, Museo Nacional de Ciencias y Artes, Mexico City
Contemporary Visions: Photographs and videos from the Helga de Alvear Collection, Aaltonen Museum, Turku, Finland
Aufruhr der Gefühle. Leidenschaften in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie, Kunsthalle Göppingen
Facing History : Portraits from Vancouver, Wharf, centre d’art contemporain Basse-Normandie, Hérouville Saint-Clair
Private View, 1980-2000. Collection Pierre Huber, Musée cantonale des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne
2004 Signes extérieurs, Biennale d’art contemporain en Seine Saint-Denis (La Courneuve)
Facing History: Portraits from Vancouver, /Centre culturel canadien, Paris Support 2, Neue Galerie Graz, Graz
/Walk me, Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna,
Austria Science + Fiction, Deutsches Museum, München, Germany/
Galerie Nelson, Paris
Aufruhr der Gefühle. Leidenschaften in der zeitgenossischen Fotografie, Museum für Photographie, Braunschweig
Art Grandeur Nature, Parc de la Courneuve, France
Baja to Vancouver: The West Coast and Contemporary Art, Seattle Art Museum, Shanghaï Modern, Museum Villa Stuck, München (curator) Flirts – Kunst und Werbung, Museion Bozen, Italien
2003 Baja to Vancouver: The West Coast and Contemporary Art, Seattle Art Museum (catalogue)
Festival d’Arles: Rencontres 2003, Arles, France
Contact Photo, Toronto Festival of Photography, Toronto
Social Strategies: Redefining Social Realism, University Art Museum, University of California at Santa Barbara
Micropolitics: Everyday Life and Art, Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló, Castelló, Spanien (Katalog)
Sight.Seeing: 4. Österreichische Triennale der Photographie , Graz
Faiseurs d’Histoire, Galerie du Théâtre de Bretagne, Rennes, France
2002 documenta11, Kassel
Manifesta, Frankfurt
Text Massage, Galerie Helga de Alvear, Madrid
2001 Unpacking Europe, Museum
Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam,
Unpacking Europe, House of World Cultures, Berlin
2000 Contemporary Photography 11.- Anti Memory, Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama
Havana Biennial, Cuba
Shanghai Spirit, Shanghai Biennial 2000, Shanghai Art Museum
1999 Babel, lkon Gallery, Birmingham
Life Cycles, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
Venus's Window, Centro Civico per l'Arte Contemporanea La Grancia, Serre ei Rapolano, Italien
Laboratoriuni, Provinciaal Museum voor Fotografie, Antwerpen
Open Face to Face: Four Centuries of Portraits, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver In the City, FRAC de Haute-Normandie, Rouen, France
Cities on the Move, Hayward Gallery, Royal Festival Hall, London
Sweet Sour, Galerie Art & Public, Genf
Visions Urbaines, Galerie du TNB, FRAC de Bretagne, Rennes, France
1998 Photography as Concept, 4. Internationale Foto Triennale Esslingen John Currin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Sean Landers, Ken Lum, Dan Peterman, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Between Earth and Sky, University of Hong Kong Art Gallery, Hong Kong
Recent Acquisitions to the Photography Collection, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver
Cities On The Move, CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux,
France Cities On The Move, PS. 1 Center for Contemporary Art, New York
Travel and Leisure, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York Ken Lum, Chen Zhen, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver
The Art of Memory: Ken Lum, Lisa Roberts, Bill Viola, Judi Werthein, The Centre for Curatorial Studies Museum, Bard College, Annandale-on Hudson, New York Arrêt Sur Image, Galerie Art & Public, Geneva, CH
1997 Cities On The Move, Secession, Vienna
Repeated Gestures, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
Heaven - Private View, PS. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York
Browser: Artropolis '97, Roundhouse Community Centre, Vancouver
The Exquisite Corpse, Presentation House Gallery, North Vancouver
2nd Johannesburg Biennale, Johannesburg, South Africa
in SITE 97.- Artists C.oncepts, Athenaeum Music and Arts Library, La Jolla, USA in SITE 97, various public sites in San Diego, Kalifornien/Tijuana, Mexiko
Hotel on Fire, Okanagan Art Gallery, Kelowna, Canada
One Minute Scenario, Printemps de Cahors, Cahors, France
Foto Text Text Foto, Fotoinuseum Winterthur, Winterthur, CH
In Visible Light: Photography Classification in Art, Science and The Everyday, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford (catalogue)
In Visible Light: Photography Classification in Art, Science and The Everyday, Inverleigh House, Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Museum of Photography, Helsinki
The 20th: 1977 1997, The Bartlett Exhibition and Performance Space, Vancouver Synthese von Fotografie und Text in der Gegenwartskunst, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
1996 a/drift, Centre for Curatorial Studies Museum, Bard College,
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Synthese von Fotografie und Text in der Gegenwartskunst Museum Moderner Kunst, Bozen Fact or fiction? Four Canadian artists, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney Shopping.- New York, project organized by Jerorne Sans and Deitch Projects, New York
Surfing Systems, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel
Reading and Re reading.- Selections from the Permanent Collection, Oakville Galeries, Oakville
The OH! Canada Project, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
1995 Der zweite Blick, Haus der Kunst, München
Album: The Photographic Collections of the Museum, Museum Beuningen Untitled (Reading Room), Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles
On Board, Riva San Biagio, Biennale Venedig
Peinture, Photo et Compagnie, Espaces des Nouvelles Galeries, Arles, France Notion of Conflict: A selection of contemporary Canadian art, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Pièces - Meubles, Galerie Jousse Seguin Paris
Crash Pad Postmasters Gallery, New York
Work for the Permanent Collection, Oakville Galleries, Oakville
1994 GEWALT/Geschäfte, Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin
Collection Modern Art, Museum Boyman van Beuningen, Rotterdam ProspectIRetrospect, Kunstmuseum, Luzern
Das Archiv/The Archive, Forum Stadtpark, Graz
Practice Ground, Ottawa Art Gallery Ottawa
Die Orte der Kunst: Der Kunstbetrieb als Kunstwerk, Sprengel Museum, Hannover, Germany don't look now Thread Waxing Space, New York
1993 1993 Collections, Musée Municipal de La Roche-sur Yon, France
Viennese Story, Wiener Secession Space of Time, Americas Society, New York (Katalog) Space of Time, Museo del Oeste, Caracas, Venezuela
Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentinien;
Centre for the Fine Arts, Miami
Konstruktion Zitat: Kollektive Bilder in der Fotografie, Sprengel Museum, Hannover, Germany
Die Sprache Der Kunst - Die Beziehung von Bild und Text in der Kunst des 20.Jahrhunderts, Kunsthalle Wien + Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
Before the sound of the beep, Marais, Paris Guelph Spring Festival, MacDonald Stewart Art Gallery, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Une nouvelle génération, FRAC des Pays de la Loire; Musée de La Roche-sur-Yon, France Musée des Sables d'Olonne, France
Drawing Ideas, Atelier Gallery, Vancouver Working Documents: Vancouver Drawings, Artspeak Gallery, Vancouver
Live in your head, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst & Galerie Metropol, Vienna
1992 Sydney Biennale, Art Gallery of New South Wales Sydney
C. Eckart, G. Kuitca, J. Lasker, K. Lum, McDermot & McGough, D. Moylan, Galleria Galliani, Genua, Italien Proiezioni, Buchholz & Buchholz, Cologne, Germany
1968, Le Consortium, Dijon, France
One & One La Galerie du Mois, Paris
Avantgarde & Kampagne, Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany
Moltiplici culture: Arte Critica 1992, Ca,@ Della Citta, Ronie + The Speaker Project, Institute of Contemporary Art, London
"30 11", Galerie des Archives, Paris C'est pas la fin du monde Galerie Art & Essai, La Criée, Halle d'art contemporain, FRAC, Bretagne, Galerie du TNB, Rennes Sporting Type S.L. Simpson Gallery, Toronto Neuerwerbungen1990/1991, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany Rodney Graham, Ken Lum, Galerie Nelson, Lyon Cameras Indiscretas, Centre d'Art Santa Monica, Barcelona Circolo de Bellas Artes, Madrid Internationale Künstlerplakate Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken J.S. Bernard, Ken Lum, Ian Wallace, Pat Hearn Gallery, New York
1991 1991 The Wealth of Nations, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
Lieux communs Figures singulières, Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris
Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh
As Yet Untitled, Gallery 400, University of Illinois at Chicago
Projections Castello di Rivara, Turino, Italy
Jessica Diamond, Jeanne Dunning, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Hirsch Perlman, Ken Lum, Michel Zumpf, The Archives, Art Information Center, Rotterdam Just what is it that Makes Today's Homes so Different, so Appealing?, The Hyde Collection, Glen Falls, New York
Van Wilkie Fine Arts, Seattle Art Conceptuel des Années 70 à aujourd'hui, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Paris
Goya to Beijing, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
Bildlicht: Malerei zwischen Material und Immaterialität, Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna
The Museum of Natural History, Galerie Barbara Farber, Amsterdam
Daniel Buren, Stephen Prina, Ken Lum, Rudolf Stingel, Home for Contemporary Theatre and Art, New York
La Revanche de l'image Galerie Pierre Huber, Geneva, CH
Echoes After the Storm: Tiananmen Memorial Art Exhibition, Asian Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Telekinesis, Mincher/Wilcox Gallery, San Francisco
1990 (not so) Simple Pleasures, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Boston
No, Not That One, It's Not A Chair, Galerie 1900-2000, Paris
Total Metal, Simon Watson Gallery, New York
150 Ans de Photographie, Musée des Beaux Art, Nantes, France
Art et Publicité, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Op-positions, Fotographie Biennale Rotterdam
II The Thing Itself, Feature Gallery, New York
Red, Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels, Belgium
Goya To Beijing, Centre International d'Art, Contemporain, Montreal
Galerie Johnen & Schöttle, Cologne, Germany
Disconnections, Galleri Nordanstad Skarstedt, Stockholm
Information, Terrain Gallery, San Francisco
Gallery Artists, Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne, Germany
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